aircraft lifting airbags
Recupero di aeromobili

ARM Chapter Quick Guide

ARM Chapter Quick Guide Download the AMS Aircraft Recovery Manual Chapter Quick Guide – A quick reference guide to finding key recovery information by AC type in the relevant manual. Download the PDF

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Sollevamento di aeromobili

Sky High with Skyhook by AGE Logistics

AGE Logistics Corporation is an original equipment manufacturer that Thern, Inc. has been doing business with for over a decade. Read more to learn about how Thern and AGE work together to supply high-quality equipment to the United States Air Force. The Original Equipment Manufacturer: Similarly to Thern, Inc., AGE Logistics

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Trasporto aereo

F-35 JPO Trains on AMS Fighter Recovery Transporter

by Todd Cromar | Hill AFB, Utah • October 13, 2022  The 388th Maintenance Group at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, recently hosted a first of its kind, F-35 crash recovery course using a newly-retired, now reassembled F-35A Lightning II. The F-35 Joint Program Office’s five-day Crash Damaged or Disabled Aircraft Recovery course

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Sollevamento di aeromobili

AMS and Modulift Celebrate 17 Years of Collaboration

Lifting the World’s Largest Aircraft posted by AJOT | Apr 30 2024 at 11:54 AM | Air Cargo   Modulift’s debut aircraft lifting system marked a new era in the commercial and military aerospace sectors when it launched back in 2007 for AMS Aircraft Recovery. When an aircraft fails it must be lifted – safely

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Sollevamento di aeromobili

AMS Aircraft Recovery Introduces New Over Wing Lift (OWL©) System

New Over Wing Lift (OWL©) Tooling System to facilitate rapid and safe aircraft recoveries involving landing gear failures. AMS introduces an innovative solution for lifting large commercial aircraft where an air bag lift may not be practical. Mark Knight, AMS’s Technical Director: “The simplicity and cost of AMS’s OWL Tooling

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Sollevamento di aeromobili

Sistema di sollevamento della fusoliera e piattaforma girevole di AMS

Sistema di sollevamento della fusoliera e piattaforma girevole di AMS Sistema di sollevamento della fusoliera utilizzato per sollevare il muso di un aereo a reazione a fusoliera larga prima di calarlo su una piattaforma girevole da 50 tonnellate. Esercitazione condotta da AMS, specialista in attrezzature per il recupero di aeromobili e addestramento al recupero di aeromobili.

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Video di formazione sul recupero degli aeromobili AMS
Recupero di aeromobili

Formazione sulle attrezzature di recupero da parte di AMS

Il video mostra una delle esercitazioni pratiche di cui gli studenti beneficiano presso la struttura di formazione dedicata di AMS nel Regno Unito. In questo esempio, gli studenti utilizzano gli airbag per sollevare la fusoliera di un aeromobile B737 che è stato allestito per rappresentare un guasto al carrello anteriore.

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